Version Control System

Version Control System

So when you work in teams, most likely there will be some kind of version control system. It could be github, bit-bucket or gitlab. So they all work with git, which is why you need to have an understanding of it. With my personal experience, I had to learn how branching worked, how you create a pull request and what kind of git workflow the team followed. So understanding the basics of git is necessary.

What is a Version Control System?

Version control is the ability to understand the various changes that happened to the code over time (and possibly roll back). All these are enabled by using a version control system such as Git. A Git repository can live on one’s machine, but it usually lives on a central online or on-prem repository. Benefits are:

  • Collaborate with other developers
  • Make sure the code is backed-up somewhere
  • Make sure it’s fully viewable and auditable

You might ask why Git? Git is a de facto standard. Git is the most broadly adopted tool of its kind. Vast numbers of developers already have Git experience and a significant proportion of college graduates may have experience with Git.


Kunal Kushwaha - Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial (opens in a new tab)This tutorial will help you with using Git & GitHub for your personal projects.
freeCodeCamp - Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course (opens in a new tab)Learn about Git and GitHub in this tutorial. These are important tools for all developers to understand. This course was developed by Gwen Faraday
Learn Git Branching (opens in a new tab)Learn Git Branching" is the most visual and interactive way to learn Git


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