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DevOps the Hardway - Azure (opens in a new tab)This tutorial contains a full, real-world solution for setting up an environment that is using DevOps technologies and practices for deploying apps and cloud services/cloud infrastructure to Azure.Mike Levan (opens in a new tab)
DevOps the Hardway - AWS (opens in a new tab)This tutorial contains a full, real-world solution for setting up an environment that is using DevOps technologies and practices for deploying apps and cloud services/cloud infrastructure to AWS.Mike Levan (opens in a new tab)
Deploy an App to Azure with ARM (opens in a new tab)ARM is an IaC tool used with AzureSonia Conti (opens in a new tab)
Crypto-dot-net Ticket Dockerized (opens in a new tab)We Dockerize the crypto-dot-net ticker project that we built in Phase 3Rishab Kumar
DevOps-Exercises (opens in a new tab)This repo devops-exercises (opens in a new tab) contains questions and exercises on various technical topics related to DevOps and SREArie Bregman (opens in a new tab)
DevOps Journey Using Azure DevOps (opens in a new tab)This tutorial/lab setup is going to take you through a DevOps journey using Azure DevOps. From setting up your pipeline to deploying an application to your Azure Kubernetes cluster!Thomas Thornton (opens in a new tab)